How exciting is this? Cherry Yang appeared awhile back with us (2020 already?!) and has been quietly building a phenomenal company and wonderful team.
Wondering what she's been up to? Cherry's company, AirOps Consulting just won 2nd place in an Airtable’s Interface Designer Contest .
This is an excerpt from Airtable's blog.
2nd place: Legal Nonprofit Database, AirOps Consulting

Cherry Yang of AirOps created this interface for a legal non-profit that works with survivors of human trafficking.
The intake process for a trafficking victim can take hours, and involves more than 100 questions of an intense, emotional nature.
This interface gives a nonprofit an easy way to display all fields, so that information is captured correctly at every stage. Simply using an Airtable form instead of a column to enter data helps nonprofits with intake, says Yang.
Yang notes that many nonprofits have more clients in need of services than their organizations can provide. Airtable's interface helps nonprofits screen clients more quickly to determine their eligibility.